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Andy Arias

I'm a 20-year-old Cuban, very enthusiastic and charismatic. I love learning new things and I'm passionate about programming. I have a keen interest in most technology fields. I'm known for being a very sociable and helpful person with many friends. I enjoy meeting new people and assisting others. I love working in a team and appreciate an organized work environment.

Andy Arias
Andy Arias

Final ProjectSugar Smart

Sugar Smart is an app developed to help people with diabetes accurately store and track their blood-sugar levels.


Why Boca Code?

Boca Code was the best option in Coral Springs, even while being in Boca Raton, then when i met the crew I felt like I was with family.

What are some of the important skills for success in your field?

Being persistent and responsible is the key to achieving what you set out to do.

What inspired you to pursue your current career path?

My desire to improve my lifestyle and passion for technology.