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Miguel Camilo

Prior to his formal training as a software engineer at Boca Code, Miguel studied on his own, volunteered and made national news helping develop an emergency response app, and even participated in hackathons. He is a strong engineer committed to tech.

Miguel Camilo
Miguel Camilo

Final ProjectBudget Buddy

Budget Buddy is a web app designed to help you track your expenses and manage your finances with ease. With features like a savings goal tracker and a community forum where you can view and share finance resources.


Why Boca Code?

I chose Boca Code because of the community it has within the school and even outside of the school, I found out about Boca Code from 3 graduates I met at a hackathon and seeing how excited they were and how much they've learned after graduation made me choose Boca Code.

What are some of the important skills for success in your field?

One of the biggest skills that can be at times difficult to master to succeed in this field is the skill to be Uncomfortable to be able to keep growing.

What inspired you to pursue your current career path?

What really inspired me was my passion for creating and my love for technology but also seeing how much room for growth there is in this field.